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Teaology is a brand specifically designed for skin care using the benefits of Organic Tea.

Teaology’s philosophy is that the properties of Tea are applicable to any product and therefore, its products replace water with up to five different varieties of organic Tea, which makes them highly effective.

Tea is a highly beneficial product as it is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants and vitamins.

Teaology products are vegan and cruelty free. They are vegan, sustainable products with spectacular efficiency since their laboratories enjoy high quality within the sector.

Teaology uses up to 5 varieties of Organic Tea of ​​the highest quality, which ensures good results by deeply pampering the skin.

Each variety of Tea has properties that make it ideal to combat different needs such as lack of firmness, dull tone, appearance of wrinkles, lack of luminosity, etc.

The objective of Teaology is to cover the different needs of different skin types, using the benefits of the highest quality organic tea as the ancestral stone of its formulations.

Their products are safe as they are under strict dermatological control.

Tiendas Agatha is an official authorized distributor of the Teaology brand.