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Fhos Bioluminescente is a unique cosmetic firm that gives us lasting and visible real results from the first session.

Fhos Bioluminescente is the first light platform whose exclusive and complex protocols have the highest excellence. Thanks to this, it is currently present in more than 120 countries.

Fhos Bioluminescente is a revolution in skin care and rejuvenation.

After years of hard work carried out by a large team of doctors, engineers and technicians gathered in one of the best laboratories in the world, Fhos has demonstrated through scientific studies that its formulas and equipment really drastically improve the appearance and health of the skin in a Record time.

Thanks to its bioluminescent technology, derived from an ambitious and complex project, the skin recovers its initial characteristics, acquiring smoothness, elasticity, hydration and firmness, showing results in just 15 minutes.

Fhos Bioluminescente has become the alternative to tensor thread treatments performed in cosmetic surgery clinics, showing the same results safely and effectively without having to undergo these delicate treatments.

The operation of Fhos is unique. Its formulas have been created with full awareness that it is not an easy task for active ingredients to penetrate the skin correctly, and for this reason it has created molecules with low molecular weight activated by light, which facilitate deep penetration to the innermost layers of the skin. skin, thus managing not only to reach the areas necessary for the product to fully display its effectiveness, but also to ensure that the active ingredients remain on the skin for a long time, displaying a concentrated, long-lasting and unprecedented action.

Fhos Bioluminescent offers unique results at the speed of light.

Tiendas Agatha – Perfumery and Aesthetics is official dealer of the Fhos Bioluminescent brand.