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Courreges Paris is a French fashion brand, founded by the designer Andre Courreges. The firm has a division of perfumery, run by Farlabo a company dedicated to the selective distribution of major perfume brands. 

André Courrèges and Coqueline not only managed to bring high fashion to the street. In addition they conquered the noses of millions of women around the world with a legendary perfume, Eau de Courreges.

After a break in the manufacture and distribution of its perfume, Courreges is back in the market of high perfumery. Again, we can enjoy the legendary Eau de Courreges and the latest creations of the brand, Blanc , Rose or Fille de l’Air.

Courreges is back and we can find its fragrances in perfume shops and department stores worldwide.

Tiendas Agatha – Perfumes and Cosmetics is official dealer of the brand Courreges.

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